Menu can't be selected...macro aborted Sorry, unable to load macro editor. Can't change AutoMacâ„¢ III. Renamed, disk locked, etc. ** All playbacks cancelled ** Sorry, an illegal number was entered. Note: If you wish to temporarily stop recording, you may click "Suspend". Recording stopped temporarily. To resume later, click on the "A". ... Cannot create text file. ERROR: Cannot open macro file. Sorry, too many macros selected. System File is outdated. Please replace it. Sorry, unable to save macro list to disk. Unable to change macros for new program. ERROR: Can't find current program on disk. New macro will not be saved. ERROR: Disk locked, disk full, or file problem. Macro file is missing or unreadable on disk. An AutoMac temporary file is missing or unreadable. AutoMac recording too long...must end. ** AutoMac is not recording ** NOTE: You are already recording. Cancelling current recording. Unknown error. Error: Macro recording/playback is nested too deep. WARNING: You need to allocate more memory to AutoMac. Sorry, memory is full in program or system area. Sorry, that key combination is already in use. Sorry, that key combination is illegal. Edit MacroEditor AutoMacâ„¢ III [View best in Chicago font:] Save text file as: Untitled (keys) Save macro file as: